For hundreds of years the table has taken central place from cottage to palace, drawing around it families and friends to enjoy sustenance and conversation.  Only in the present day has it´s dominance of the domestic scene declined due to the intrusion of television and the break up of traditional family life.Michael Wynne-Parker´s life is full of interesting people some of whom are the main characters in this fascinating book.  And they have just one thing in common-they all sat, at least once, round his table-including such diverse personalities as Victor, 6th Marquess of Bristol, Hammond Innes, Brian Rix, Margaret Thatcher, Princess Katarina of Yugoslavia, Dai Llewellyn and Jim Davidson.  Famous names mingle with lesser known, but by no means less interesting, friends, each with a story or more to tell.  Actors, soldiers, priests, poets, artists, politicians join with singers, writers, sportsmen, beautiful women and royalty.  Some are witty, some amusing, some profound – all with their own story to tell.  Their stories offer a glimpse into worlds of wealth, glamour, power and creativity.  Throughout, however, a slowly emerging question arises – Is there a significance in events?

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